About Us


Fish Pro LLP was founded in June, 1970 to provide aquatic services for owners of Indiana surface waters including ponds and small natural and artificial lakes.  The business focus is on the evaluation of existing condition of water bodies, recommendation of physical and chemical improvements, and restoration of the aquatic communities.  The business has slowly evolved over the years to serve mainly east-central Indiana pond owners.  Principal services provided include: general fish stocking to improve or create new populations; triploid grass carp introductions, and as necessary, sale and application of chemicals for control of nuisance algae and plants; the sale, installation, and maintenance of aeration equipment and fountains for improved water quality and decreased nutrient availability; helping pond owners with scientific information for management of their aquatic resources; and offering research and consultation services for evaluation of impacts including pollution.  The major business thrust is directed toward assisting individuals with the management of ponds for optimal recreational benefits as aquatic resources.


We are a family owned small business made up of Tim, Beth, and Brandon Holsinger. We strive to provide the best service possible. 

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