Fountains and Aeration


Aeration is an important step in maintaining a healthy pond and fish population. Decorative fountains also add aesthetic value to the pond and property wile aerating. Aeration will prevent fish kills in the summer by adding dissolved oxygen to the pond or lake and in the winter will keep the pond from icing over. The increased dissolved oxygen levels allow the fish to grow larger faster. Higher dissolved oxygen levels also reduce nutrient levels such as phosphorus which can result in less algae. The added oxygen speeds up nutrient cycles and binds the nutrients as well. Aeration allows for a uniform oxygen level throughout the pond at all times so fish can inhabit all areas of the pond. Aeration also helps to break down muck and other organic matter quicker reducing odors.

Aeration comes in several different forms; diffused aeration, surface aeration decorative fountains, and cirulators.


Diffused aeration

Diffused aeration

Decorative fountain

Decorative fountains

Surface aeration

Surface aeration



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